Logistics Platform and Internal Customer Portal

Discovery and Proof of Concept for a logistics platform



UX & UI Design


Fortune 500 Food Company



During my time at Vectorform (before it was Launch by NTT Data), I had the pleasure of working full-time for about 6 months on the proof of concept and discovery for a logistics platform for a Fortune 500 company in the food industry. Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, I can’t share the specifics of my work. I can say that this was a great learning experience and I did quite a lot of work while being contracted on this project!

My Impact

Here are some of the notes, highlights and deliverables from this project:

  • I worked on designing multiple high-fidelity pages and components of the product, along with the supervision of the senior designer and a design director.
  • I prepared high-fidelity artifacts such as system maps, site maps, user flows, and empathy maps.
  • I supported the team by organizing and compiling research outputs.
  • I participated in discovery sessions and presented results to the client.
  • Last but not least, my personal win: I introduced a scalable nested content mapping system that was later implemented by my team on future projects.

Design work for an internal Customer Portal



UX & UI Design


Mitsubishi Power, part of Mitsubishi Corp.



My first big project at Vectorform was another one I unfortunately am not able to present in detail. As this was my first big project with the company, I was lucky enough to work hands-on on a portal for Mitsubishi Power. Not only did I do a deep dive on the UX work, but I learned a lot about power plant operations. As the final project is not available for sharing, I listed some of the highlights from the time I spent on this assignment.

My Impact

Here are notes, highlights and deliverables from this time with Mitsubishi:

  • I worked on designing multiple high-fidelity pages and components of the three internal portals for different end users.
  • I participated in internal and external review sessions and implemented actionable feedback.
  • I owned small epics such as login pages, and led discovery meetings with the client on epics that I was responsible for.
  • I prepared final documentation for the client.
  • I was responsible for annotating wireframes for engineering handoff.